Client case study: ‘Led Zeppelin — merging tradition with technique’


A few of my words for Loftworks Creative Studio website:

'The band, the impact and the iconography. How do you approach such a music video brief?

The alternate re-mastered ‘Rock and Roll’ needed a visual companion and we were locked in — plus, cards on the table, we’re big fans. Our pre-production phase simply resembled a band jamming: it was organic. Ideas were thrown around the room. They were probed and nurtured, poked and prodded until we refined them for a clear creative process.

To date, Zeppelin's music videos were mainly live affairs, rather than purposeful constructs so we were unrestricted by precedent. And in that respect, the development felt more liberated. Their core design values come mainly from album artwork, and with typically sharp formation, they usually incorporate the zeppelin, or other iconic symbolism.

Blending traditional video with animation was a challenge, but it was achieved through subtleties in composition. Lyrics were also needed to complement archive live footage. Rummaging through archive footage of the zeppelin and the construction processes involved, also delivered inspiration as we began exploring the idea of blueprints.

With these attained we had the founding elements for the music video. And the very nature of the blueprints provided a natural frame for the lyrics and other various components. The result strongly maintains both the essence and status of the band, while using animation to blend much of their renowned symbolism.

And we deem over three million views on YouTube, a success.

Read the full post here


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